Lucas Camargo is the name behind the art of the Untitled Army. He is an illustrator, animator, creative director, art director, and artist known for his unique style, playful yet thoughtful characters, and exquisite designs.
Lucas graduated in Visual Design in Brazil and began his career designing products and characters for Tilibra, the largest stationery company in Brazil. He later transitioned to the advertising industry, starting as an Art Director at Saatchi & Saatchi around 2007. In 2010, he moved to NYC to work at Ogilvy as a Design Director/Creative Director, where he remained until 2017 when a significant shift in his career occurred. During his time in advertising, he worked with major brands like Nike, Nokia, Ikea, Coca-Cola, and American Express, earning awards such as Cannes Lions, Clio Awards, and One Show, among others.
In 2017, Lucas transitioned to become an artist and took on the role of Director at RooF Studios, an animation production house. While directing and serving as Creative Director and Character Designer, he launched the project that would bring him worldwide acclaim, Untitled Army. Initially started as a daily sketch series on social media, the project evolved into 3D characters and eventually animations. More than 1,200 sketches and countless characters later, Lucas's work had expanded into a universe of its own.
His unique style and voice have allowed him to speak at the Pictoplasma International Conference twice and, more recently, at the In Motion Playgrounds Rotterdam in September. During the NFT boom of 2021, he was one of the top-selling artists, recognized for his distinctive approach and iconic art style.
As a 3D director, Lucas has created work for brands like Nespresso, Kellogg's, Macallan, Conoco, 4-H, Florida Lottery, and Apple, winning Cannes Lions, Clios, ADC, and D&AD awards.

Lucas has developed a unique and recognizable style, blending many disciplines. His experiments in painting and drawing, his journey of learning a second language and culture, and his passion for surrealism and storytelling all combine unexpectedly, bringing unique characters, ideas, animations, and art to life.
Lucas can be contacted directly for job inquiries at